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6 Keys to Engaging With Facebook Fans

Most business owners think updating their Facebook pages often will cause them to receive interaction from their followers, but this is a misconception. This way of thinking may have stemmed from something they have heard or read. Unfortunately, when the desired results are not obtained, posting becomes slacked or non-existent.

The truth is, people are not on Facebook to purchase anything, but are there to virtually socialize. It is a time for them to be free, communicate with family and friends, and catch up on what is happening in the world. They do not want to be bombarded with advertisement.

"Initiate conversation by creating a responsive post"

Initiate conversation by creating responsive post. The key is to engage with your followers.

"The key to getting your Facebook Fans to engage is content"

There is a lot of content in the news feed that streams every day and a title, no matter how catchy it is, will not be enough to grab the attention and initiate engagement with your Facebook post. It is important to actively relate to what is written.

When updating your Facebook page you want to draw attention to the article or post you have created. To do that, include a comment or ask a question that specifically refers to something in the post that will drive your audience to take action by liking, making a comment or sharing.

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Create a survey to get feedback on a product or service. This will let your fans know you are concerned about what they want.

[if !supportLists]2. Share an educational post about something in your industry.

If you were a social media marketing company you would want to share this type of information.

(64% percent of consumers have made a purchase decision based on social media content)

Educating viewers and making them aware of the benefits of having the right content when posting on social media lets the client know you are knowledgeable and stay up to date on what is happening in your industry.

[if !supportLists]3. Generate posts that allow fans to ask questions or offer suggestions about your products or service.

You can have a specific day (e.g. Tell Me Thursday) that will allow for questions and suggestions to be posted. This is the opportune time for your audience to have a voice and play a role in the growth of the company.

4. Use fill in the blank post related to your business, a random topic or holiday.

Fill in the blank. If I won the Lottery I would ________.

5. Incorporate high quality photos for image post and add an encouraging quote.

6. Excerpt from a blog post.

Share your blog by adding a portion of it on the Facebook page and post the link.

Engagement is the key to effective socializing with your audience. The type of business you have will determine which method of engagement would be more beneficial. The more you interact, paired with various ways of engagement, will gain likes, shares, comments, and eventually more customers.

Let me know if this was helpful or feel free to share below some of the ways that have been effective in engaging Facebook fans in your business.

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